Intangible Cultural Heritage of the city in action: photographic narratives at the Festes de la Magdalena de Castelló
Portada del número 25
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Machado Colomer, Mar. “Intangible Cultural Heritage of the city in action: photographic narratives at the Festes de la Magdalena de Castelló”. Her&Mus. Heritage & Museography, vol.VOL 25, pp. 65-83, doi:10.60940/her&musv25id432215.


Starting from a specific time and space, such as the Festes de La Magdalena in Castelló de la Plana, this research project aims to investigate the pedagogical possibilities of analog photography to learn about the city and its Intangible Cultural Heritage annual festivals. We contemplate the typical utilization of urban space during the celebration period, with a focus on aesthetics and artistic education. We suggest placing the image at the forefront as a source of knowledge. We analyze the potential of analog photography as a pedagogical tool in a non-formal setting, using a collection of photovoices and photo interviews from five individuals connected to Castelló in various ways. This analysis takes place in a non-formal setting, encouraging individuals to consider their personal experiences in the city within the context of a shift from their usual routines, while also contemplating the photographic process itself. We leverage the unique characteristics of analog and visual processes to closely examine urban space and specific cultural manifestations. The purpose of the photo interviews is to contextualize the visual narratives of the participants and to generate new ideas through creative expression, while paying close attention to both their work and that of others. All in all, the capacity of the artistic medium to learn and analyze the environment becomes clear, allowing us to think from different subjectivities.


  • nonformal education, image, city, party, analog photography, photovoices
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