And what about the fans in the stands? Critical analysis of an exhibit about the 1978 FIFA World Cup
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How to Cite

Reyes Santiago, María Florencia. “And what about the fans in the stands? Critical analysis of an exhibit about the 1978 FIFA World Cup”. Her&Mus. Heritage & Museography, vol.VOL 21, pp. 206-2, doi:10.34810/hermusn21id378135.


This article analyzes the exhibit called «“Tiren papelitos”: Mundial 78, entre la fiesta y el horror», held between June and August 2018 in the PAyS Room of the Parque de la Memoria (City of Buenos Aires, Argentina). It seeks to critically study the specific characteristics of the display, as well as to think about the role of that space as a museum device that builds historical and current social senses. It starts from its particular features, briefly tracing its origins, the objectives proposed, its team work, some of the exhibits produced and the uniqueness of the Parque of which it is part. Then, the article progress to a complete description of the chosen exhibit, which considers its purposes and contents, analyzing its assembly and curating criteria. Finally, the senses built there are discussed and, above all, the absences that persist, on a topic and time still open. In the same way, this study reflects on the role of museums as cultural devices, emphasizing their intrinsic political facet and considering not only that they are deeply traversed by the social situation of which they are part, but that they must also be able to question it, provoking, in the broadest sense of this word, questions about itself.


Museo, memoria colectiva, Argentina, dictadura, deporte Museums, collective memory, Argentina, dictatorship, sport
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