"Alfàndach!": la campanya africana de Pere el Gran, vista per Ramon Muntaner

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Josep Antoni Aguilar Àvila
This paper considers the chapters of Ramon Muntaners Chronicle devoted to the expedition
of King Peter II of Catalonia-Aragon to the Barbary coast, which took place in the
summer of 1282, shortly before the start of the War of the Sicilian Vespers and Peters
conquest of Sicily. It focuses, therefore, on Muntaners account of the events prior to and
the development of the kings campaign in Collo, which is analysed in the light of other
13th and 14th-century sources, in particular the Crònica of Saba Malaspina, whose depiction
of the African events presents interesting points of similarity with the Catalan text.

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How to Cite
Aguilar Àvila, Josep Antoni. “‘Alfàndach!’: la campanya africana de Pere el Gran, vista per Ramon Muntaner”. Estudis Romànics, vol.VOL 37, pp. 197-38, https://raco.cat/index.php/Estudis/article/view/313138.

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