Rerefons lingüístic i mèdic d'un text sobre l'epidèmia del 1678 a Oriola (i 2: Rerefons mèdic)
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Francesc Cremades Rodríguez
Brauli Montoya Abat
This paper is the study of a text, from a medical standpoint, that contains an inquiry
into the illnesses that afflicted Oriola during 1678, finally making it necessary to declare
a state of emergency in the city, and thus completes our contribution to the 2012 issue of
Estudis Romànics (vol. 34), where wemade a linguistic analysis of thismanuscript. In the
first part of the paper, we explain the medical concepts in the document, which involves
an examination of the pathology mentioned in the text in accordance with the paradigm
of clinical practice prevailing in the 17th century. The work is concluded with a glossary
that lists the medical terms as they appear in the original text, together with their correct
spelling according to the rules established by the Institut d?Estudis Catalans, along with
their meanings based on the medical beliefs existing at the time they were written.
into the illnesses that afflicted Oriola during 1678, finally making it necessary to declare
a state of emergency in the city, and thus completes our contribution to the 2012 issue of
Estudis Romànics (vol. 34), where wemade a linguistic analysis of thismanuscript. In the
first part of the paper, we explain the medical concepts in the document, which involves
an examination of the pathology mentioned in the text in accordance with the paradigm
of clinical practice prevailing in the 17th century. The work is concluded with a glossary
that lists the medical terms as they appear in the original text, together with their correct
spelling according to the rules established by the Institut d?Estudis Catalans, along with
their meanings based on the medical beliefs existing at the time they were written.
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How to Cite
Cremades Rodríguez, Francesc; and Montoya Abat, Brauli. “Rerefons lingüístic i mèdic d’un text sobre l’epidèmia del 1678 a Oriola (i 2: Rerefons mèdic)”. Estudis Romànics, vol.VOL 35, pp. 139-71,
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