Unveiling linked competences with scholarship knowledge through the educative assessment of the museum

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Roser Calaf i Masachs
Sué Gutiérrez Berciano
Miguel Ángel Suárez Suárez
The objectives of the R&D project Qualitative assessment of educative programs in Spanish museums (ECPEME) are to know, to analyze and to diagnose the state of the different existing educative programs in museums in Spain. Their results reveal the current trends aimed at linking the heritage bssets of the museums with educative and social needs. By reviewing a specific sample of museums, quality criteria are defined which can be useful  in other areas of ducation in non-formal contexts, and spread to professional and research environments, national and internationally.

museum education, multidimensional analysis, evaluation, skills development.

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How to Cite
Calaf i Masachs, Roser et al. “Unveiling linked competences with scholarship knowledge through the educative assessment of the museum”. Enseñanza de las ciencias sociales: revista de investigación, no. 15, pp. 89-98, https://raco.cat/index.php/EnsenanzaCS/article/view/316770.