La actualización de la formación de formadores en ciencias sociales. Reflexiones en torno a los obstáculos reconocidos en un dispositivo centrado en la consulta y el acompañamiento

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Adriana Villa
Viviana Zenobi
This paper is framed within what is currently called “reflection on practices” or “conceptualisation of practices”. Firstly, it sets in a context and describes a device for accompanying the teachers devoted to teacher training for primary level at the Ciudad Autónoma in Buenos Aires (Argentina), specifying between years 2000 and 2002, as part of a process of curricular change in the didactic area of social sciences. Secondly, it focuses -among the tensions detected in the course of the experience- on problems specifically related to changes in the aim of teaching, with the basic teacher training and assuming the professionalism of the teachers of the tertiary level of social sciences. Finally, from the conception of theoretical production as a toolbox, it approaches some conceptualisations considered as pertinent for a better understanding of the empirically relevant problems.

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How to Cite
Villa, Adriana; and Zenobi, Viviana. “La actualización de la formación de formadores en ciencias sociales. Reflexiones en torno a los obstáculos reconocidos en un dispositivo centrado en la consulta y el acompañamiento”. Enseñanza de las ciencias sociales: revista de investigación, no. 3, pp. 59-68,