El cambio del profesorado de ciencias I : marco teórico y formativo

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Rafael Porlán
Rosa Martín del Pozo
Ana Rivero
Joao Harres
Pilar Azcárate
Michelle Pizzato
This communication, the first of a series of two, reflets on the need to change the predominant model of science teaching, and on the desirability for teachers to construct their own professional knowledge to go beyond disjunctions of the theory-practice, scientific-pedagogical knowledge, etc, type. It is also argued that the development of this knowledge is not a linear process, but requires adressing obstacles that are both endogenous, inherent in the teachers' conceptions, and exogenous, linked to the dominant social stereotypes, about the school. Lastly, on the basis of different theoretical foundations (social constructivism, critical theory, etc. ) a description is given of the model Teacher Education for Research into Practice which is aimed at promoting teacher change via inquiry into practical professional problems.

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Com citar
Porlán, Rafael et al. “El cambio del profesorado de ciencias I : marco teórico y formativo”. Enseñanza de las Ciencias: revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, vol.VOL 28, no. 1, pp. 31-46, https://raco.cat/index.php/Ensenanza/article/view/189094.

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