Camouflage or transformation? Professional strategy of women in technological careers very masculinized

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Ana M. González Ramos

The lack of women in technology and engineering studies and careers has yielded a high number of theoretical and empirical studies. Policies to attract female talent have had a positive influence, but women are still a minority in these areas. This paper addresses the question from other perspectives, exploring the culture of merit and the system of progression in these careers. The methodology is a case study in an engineering school at a Spanish university. The discourse of the teacher is analysed taking into account the different cultural climates that exist in different departments (among other factors, their being more or less feminised). The results indicate that the changes over recent years have been caused by external and structural factors rather than the transformation of the male culture in technology and engineering careers. Another result indicates that behind the official meritocracy lies a justification for the status quo and the consequent social exclusion of women.

Women, culture of merit, profesional career, technology studies in higher education System, gender segregation

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How to Cite
González Ramos, Ana M. “Camouflage or transformation? Professional strategy of women in technological careers very masculinized”. Educar, vol.VOL 50, no. 1, pp. 187-05,