The matter of teacher training in 1-1 projects: The case of "Innovative Schools", "Connecting equality" programme, Argentina

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Silvina Carmen Casablancas
This article recounts one particular experience of state secondary schools in Argentina. This experience describes the in-service teacher training for the so-called OLPC (One Laptop per Child) project carried out in 2011. It shows that training and support for teachers should be seen as in-service training and to have an institutional sense.  Some issues to consider emerge from this experience: the importance of a school management team, the validation of social networks in terms of new communication formats, the role of students as agents of change in classroom practice and  the importance of emotions in innovation in situations such as these where the profile of the educational community is being changed.
teacher training, educational technologies, innovation education, model 1-1

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How to Cite
Casablancas, Silvina Carmen. “The matter of teacher training in 1-1 projects: The case of "Innovative Schools", ‘Connecting equality’ programme, Argentina”. Educar, vol.VOL 50, no. 1, pp. 103-20,
Author Biography

Silvina Carmen Casablancas, FLACSO-Argentina Universidad Nacional de Moreno (UNM)

Profesora e investigadora-PENT Proyecto Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías.FLACSO-Departamento de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales.Universidad Nacional de MorenoDoctora en Pedagogía por la Universitat de Barcelona. Licenciada y Profesora en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Especialista en Tecnología educativa y formación docente. Participante de numerosas investigaciones referidas al vínculo de la educación, la innovación y las tecnologías. Asesora en capacitación docente y tecnología educativa Líneas actuales de investigación: dispositivos de evaluación con alfabetismos múltiples. La incidencia de la cultura digital en la identidad docente.