In Mexico, 63% of children under the age of four not in school are cared for by CONAFE, the National Council for the Promotion of Education. CONAFE designs and implements strategies to guarantee the right to education of girls and boys living in areas of poverty that are difficult to access and suffer many shortcomings. Its main socio-educational strategy is based on two weekly two-hour sessions at which social educators (known as educational promoters by CONAFE) organize various activities for mothers and their children aimed at improving parenting practices. However, the pandemic forced these promoters and the families they serve to change their usual practices. In view of this, we decided to describe the resources, uses of ICT and factors that can strengthen the practices of educational promoters and which have emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. We interviewed five educational promoters and used ATLAS.ti to develop a series of semantic networks. We conclude that promoters are keen to continue their work, which takes the form of adaptive actions backed up by the use of ICT and the shift from group attention to personal attention charged with optimism and positive affection.
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(c) Facultad de Educación Social y Trabajo Social Pere Tarrés. Universidad Ramon Llull, 2021
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