Market-driven education, Neoliberalism in Chile, Student mobilizations, New constitution, Constituent Assembly
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Treré, Emiliano. “Market-driven education, Neoliberalism in Chile, Student mobilizations, New constitution, Constituent Assembly”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 55, pp. 111-9, doi:10.34810/EducacioSocialn55id271048.


This paper looks at the experience of the social movement #YoSoy132, exploring its emergence in the political, social and media context of Mexico today, and analyzing its characteristics, demands, and similarities with the new global social movements. In addition, the paper problematizes the role of the digital media – and in particular of the social media — within the movement, breaking with five narratives that have dominated the literature. In the conclusion, the paper offers an assessment of the achievements and the limitations of #YoSoy132.


#yosoy132, moviments socials, xarxes socials, eleccions mexicanes, democratització dels mitjans #YoSoy132, social movements, social networks, mexican elections, media democratization #YoSoy132, movimientos sociales, redes sociale, elecciones mexicanas, democratización de los medios
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