99 Minutes and a Letter: an approach to the discourse on school failure
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Tria Parareda, Núria. “99 Minutes and a Letter: an approach to the discourse on school failure”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 52, pp. 88-108, https://raco.cat/index.php/EducacioSocial/article/view/262622.


In this paper we engage with the discourse on so-called school failure by analysing a set of primary source documents. Thus, in order to understand what is happening when we say that a student is failing, we analyse what terms are used to talk about school failure and what they signify. By analysing the language used we can see how students are classified, how interventions are put forward, how the meaning of certain categories is only to be understood in terms of their use and how the concepts of student guidance and support are highly loaded ideologically. The analysis allows us to conclude that the discourse on school failure is not monolithic and that team working — also understood at the symbolic level — can make a space for the multiple voices of the educational discourse, even the dissonant ones


educació, fracàs escolar, discurs, praxi social, teoria crítica, treball en xarxa, Sant Vicenç dels Horts education, school failure, discourse, social praxis, critical theory, team working, Sant Vicenç dels Horts
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