Cooperative members seeking direction
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Senabre, Xavier. “Cooperative members seeking direction”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 41, pp. 80-92,


NOU VERD is a cooperative of social interest that focuses on creating and maintaining work for people whith mentaldisorders, based on encouraging all its workers to participate in the mechanisms of company management, also on a model of support during insertion based on a path agreed between the user and the entity witlhin the framework of a regional network of assistance.


autonomia laboral, centre especial de treball, cooperativa d'interès social, inserció laboral, itinerari d'inserció, qualitat en processos d'inserció, trastorn mental sever independence al work, quality insertion processes, special work centre, cooperative of social interest, labour insertion, insertion roule, severe mental disorder autonomía laboral, calidad en procesos de inserción, centro especial de trabajo, cooperativa de interés social, inserción laboral, itinerario de inserción, trastorno mental severo
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