A hospitalised child is above all a child. While it is true that hospitalisation gives them the characteristic features that make them into patients, we cannot forget that we are talking about a child, of whatever age. Despite play among hospitalised children being a subject arousing the interest and recognition of professionals from various disciplines (paediatrics. psychalogy, education and medicine), there continues to be a major void in our hospitals, especially with regard to the freer and more pleasurable aspects of play. It is not treaed as one of the child's basic needs.References
Costa Ferrer, M. (coord.) (2000), El juego y el juguete en la hospitalización infantil. Nau Llibres. Valencia.
Garaigordobil, M. (1990), Juego y desarrollo infantil. Seco Olea. Madrid.
Instituto de apoio à criança. (2000), Carta da Criança Hospitalizada. Humanizaçao dos serviços de atendimento a criança. Lisboa.
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