This currently much more complex to refer to the Gypsy people than it may have beenfive or ten years ago. Neither non-Gypsy nor Gypsy society is the same as then. Globalisation and its consequences have also reached smaller cultural groups. Ten years ago. the Gypsy people were the nalional ethnic minorily. or at least referred to as such in official documents. Today. nonetheless. this role has been pushed aside or has even disappeared. Other cultures and ethnic groups have taken Gypsies' place. This new situation has caught Gypsies and administrations unprepared. In such a framework , analysis is devoted to concepts such as culture, integration, etc .. as regards the Gypsy people. something which limited spheres of thought have already been engaged in for some time. but which has not been given an essential role in social and academic,nor obviously in political and associative realms until now.Paraules clau
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Educació social. Revista d'intervenció socioeducativa es publica en accés obert sota la llicència Creative commons reconeixement-nocomercial (by-nc): es permet l’ús del seu contingut sempre que se citi l’autor o l’autora i la publicació, amb la seva adreça electrònica exacta. Es permet la generació d’obres derivades sempre que no se’n faci un ús comercial. Tampoc no es pot utilitzar l’obra original amb finalitats comercials.
El copyright © de la revista pertany a la Facultat d'Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés. Universitat Ramon Llull