Violència i gent gran. Maltractament: Algunes reflexions per al debat
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Com citar

Mañós, Quico. “Violència i gent gran. Maltractament: Algunes reflexions per al debat”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 23, pp. 87-96,


Befare elder abuse in social institutions and services , an analysis is perform ed of intervention-warranting conditions that may not be defined as violent in the puresl sense, but as violence or violences in Ihe way they sublly undermine the elderly person' s dignity. This article discusses the types of violence that generate mislrealm ent scenarios in elder environments, and some proposals for analysis, oriented toward reinforcing best practices. focused on people and their dignity. In daily activity, if one is aware of prior values and formulae, it is possible confront these situations of mistreatment.

Paraules clau

abús, contextos del maltracte, degradació social, exclusió social, infantilització, intervenció abuse, mistreatment conlexts, social degradation, social exclusion, infantilisation, intervention
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