Normativa d'estrangeria i implicacions en l'àmbit local
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Com citar

Manté, Josep M. “Normativa d’estrangeria i implicacions en l’àmbit local”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 20, pp. 10-18,


Thanks to the absolute majority of the Partido Popular and the support of CIU we have lost the political and social consensus thas is indispensable for the law and the regulations governing foreigners to at least make it possible to lay the foundations for the integration of the paper-less immigrants who continue to arrive. The quotas submitted as the solution are a lie, they foster racism and look upon the immigrant as an element of production, not as a person, but a second-class citizen. Local goverments are suffering the consequences of this; bereft of resources, with outbreaks of xenophobia and a major risk of ghettos appearing in the peripheral neighbourhoods, they have to face up to the effects of the overall problem and fight for a difficult social and civic integration.

Paraules clau

  • administració local
  • cupos
  • integració social
  • llei d'estrangeria
  • sense papers
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