Aula virtual y clase presencial para un aprendizaje colaborativo en las prácticas básicas de la asignatura organización del centro del centro docente de primaria
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Josefina Santibáñez Velilla
Universidad de La Rioja. Área Didáctica y Organización Escolar
Cruz Pérez Merino
Universidad de La Rioja. Área Didáctica y Organización Escolar
The first goal was to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the virtual classroom of the University of La Rioja platform and the Bimodal Curriculum for the «basic practicals» of the «Organisation of the Primary Education Centre» course, in response to the lack of a course on Education Technology on the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education curriculum of the University of La Rioja. Another goal of the present project was to innovate the methodology of the «Organisation of the Primary Education Centre» course, in order to promote the autonomy of the students both with acquisition of the transversal competence on ICT and in the development the following competences: a) General Competences (instrumental and interpersonal); b) General systemic competences; and c) Specific competences related to the «Organisation of the Primary Education Centre». The teaching process in face-to-face classes in the university has been oriented using actual practices (teaching innovation projects, innovative experiences in primary education schools, paying attention to diversity, school organigrams, TIC use in primary education centres, etc.) which the teaching training students search on the web pages of Primary Education schools and on the Internet, and share with the members of their teams during the «collaborative learning» process, both in face-to-face class and in the virtual classroom and websites. This makes the face-to-face class and the virtual classroom more than anything else a meeting of the students about the experience of learning and sharing knowledge. The «content analysis» technique has been used as a qualitative research technique to extract data about the results of the learning process from the 145 «Individual-Reports» written by the morning groups students of the «Organisation of the Primary Education Centre» course. Teacher training students expressed great satisfaction both at the grades they achieved in this course and at the methodology used in class.
Paraules clau
Formación de profesorado, organización escolar, aprendizaje colaborativo, tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, grado de maestro, aula virtual
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Santibáñez Velilla, Josefina; and Pérez Merino, Cruz. “Aula virtual y clase presencial para un aprendizaje colaborativo en las prácticas básicas de la asignatura organización del centro del centro docente de primaria”. DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia, no. 33, pp. 1-15,
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