ICT in the service of inclusive education.

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Marisol Rodríguez Correa
Maria José Arroyo González
In this article we do a revision on the different Technologies of the information and of the Communication to work with pupils with educational special needs. We divide first, on what we deal for educational incorporation, as I target to reaching for the whole student body. We believe that the TIC are postulated as a suitable instrument to obtain the access of the whole student body to the general education and how to overcome the different barriers of learning which they face every day vehicle. In I make concrete, in this work we centre on the different tools and specific software for the disability motorboat, cognitive, auditory and visual.
Inclusive education, TIC, Educational Special Needs, Disability.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Correa, Marisol; and Arroyo González, Maria José. “ICT in the service of inclusive education”. Digital Education Review, no. 25, pp. 108-26, https://raco.cat/index.php/DER/article/view/278135.