Rubric-Based Formative Assessment in Process Eportfolio: Towards Self-Regulated Learning

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Gemma Tur
Santos Urbina
María Dolores Forteza
This article explores the results of a rubric-based formative assessment of an eportfolio task as part of a pedagogical subject on a weekly basis during the first year in the Teacher Education programme of the University XXX. The study aims to explore the possibilities of the rubric usage for formative assessment as an answer to all student learning needs. The literature review briefly covers research on closely related concepts such as formative assessment and feedback along with process eportfolios for reflective tasks, which are all aimed at achieving higher-level cognitive skills and, eventually, self-regulated learning. Data, which is obtained from students’ performance, reveals evidence of the general improvement of results throughout the semester with the majority of students moving from lower to higher levels. Conclusions reflect on challenging implications for sustainable transferrable practices, self-regulated learning and formative assessment for all.
Paraules clau
self-regulated learning, formative assessment, rubric, eportfolio, learning for all

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Com citar
Tur, Gemma et al. “Rubric-Based Formative Assessment in Process Eportfolio: Towards Self-Regulated Learning”. Digital Education Review, no. 35, pp. 18-35,