Programa de Reallotjament i Acció Social
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Com citar

Munté, Ariadna et al. “Programa de Reallotjament i Acció Social”. Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, no. 24, pp. 67-85,


This article outlines an intervention proposal that improves and resol ves the set of problems derived from illegal settlements with a majority of gypsy community members. The approaches are the result of an in -depth diagnostic task. Nonetheless , various settlement typologies have been studied. including the following: shanty towns with a majority popularion of local and Portuguese gypsies, and caravan settlements of essentially of Hungarian-origin gypsies. The text consists of three sections joined by a common thread. The first part features an introduction on the context in which resellling problems emerge. The second contains descriptions of two case studies from recent years . followed by a series of conclusions.

Paraules clau

  • acció social
  • xabolisme
  • escolarització
  • evaluació
  • formació ocupacional
  • reallotjament
  • seguiment social
PDF (Castellano)