Corporate Codes of Ethics, influential factors
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Companies increasingly interact with stakeholders through multiple relationships, based on the Code of ethics (CE). CE and standards of professional conduct are important management instruments whose main objective to transform social power and morality. Being that the use of the codes of ethics maintain the novel awareness about ethics and serve as full guidance to the desirable standards. Today, all areas of professionalization and beyond require ethical standards that are necessary to guide the major impacts of the results of individuals' practice on the community and environment. The main objective of this article is to identify which are the influential factors of business Codes of ethics. As for the methodology we used a quantitative methodology was used in the application of a semi-structured questionnaire to a sample of 515 answers where 49.9% of the answers belonged to people working in large companies, considering large companies those with more than 250 people, 30.1% to medium-sized companies, 11.7% to small companies between 10 and 49 employees and 8.7% from micro-companies with less than 9 employees. The results of the study determined that in companies where employees have access to the corporate ethics initiatives, they exert a positive influence on the ethical behavior of the organization.
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