Four questions for techno-ethics

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Oriol Quintana
Joaquin Menacho
Xavier Casanovas
Llorenç Puig

Abstract: There are four basic techno-ethical questions that are often overseen in discussing the application of technologies. They are often taken for granted, for Modernity seemed to already have an answer for them. This oblivion, we claim, is at the root of certain disfunctions of the current discussions of techno-ethics, like their excessive sectionalization and frequent overlapping, their confusion, and their short-sightedness. This could be avoided by focusing on the questions of human dignity, biophysical limits of the earth, progress, and happiness. These, we propose, are far more relevant in judging technologies than the ones that often put today.

Paraules clau
progress, happiness, technology, human dignity, self-limitation

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Quintana, Oriol et al. “Four questions for techno-ethics”. Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics, no. 14, doi:10.34810/rljaev1n14Id413970.

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