Integral Human Development as a challenge for corporations: an analysis from the Catholic Social Teaching perspective

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Leire Alcañiz
Ricardo Aguado
Jose Luís Retolaza

Abstract: The concept of Integral Human Development (IHD) was presented by Pope Paul VI in the encyclical Populorum Progressio, proposing a development of the person that incorporates not only economic, but also cultural, social and transcendental aspects. The aim of this article is to propose and develop the plausibility that for-profit corporations can be organizations that contribute to achieving the IHD of their workers. On this path, this work specifies the dimensions (economic, social and transcendent) and factors (physical, education, activity, family, community, freedom, solidarity, environment and transcendence) that promote this IHD inside businesses, focusing mainly on employees. This research has been developed incorporating the point of view of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) applied to the management of corporations and their role in society.

Paraules clau
Integral Human Development, Catholic Social Teaching, Purpose of Business

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Alcañiz, Leire et al. “Integral Human Development as a challenge for corporations: an analysis from the Catholic Social Teaching perspective”. Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics, no. 14, doi:10.34810/rljaev1n14Id413957.

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