Ethics in Fintech through users’ confidence: Determinants that affect trust
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Abstract: Fintech have irrupted around the world. This paper proposes an analysis of the mechanism of influence of the salient factors of the Fintech phenomenon on user confidence in Fintech companies. This represents a barrier for an increased use and adoption of Fintech services in financial markets, which represent an opportunity for Fintech to become part of the mainstream of access to financial services with a greater ethical and inclusive commitment. We have designed an analysis of the Fintech web platforms from a trust and ethical view. The consensus shows that all six factors influence user confidence, relevant for ethical behaviour because trustworthy if the first step that flourish the well doing and trustbase collaboration between parties. However, it is the risk (security, privacy and financial) where there is a perfect consensus, while financial inclusion presents a consensus with a greater dispersion of opinions. Fintech firms need to ensure that the tools they are building are trustworthy and safe and that their business models do not abuse customer relationships by selling data, maintaining a lack of security protocols and other inappropriate and unethical practices. Therefore, this study contributes to the literature on Fintech’s development by providing a comprehensive analysis of the user-Fintech interrelationship and the incorporation of the determinants influencing trust as a critical and complementary element in the technology acceptance model (TAM). This paper contributes to the ethical relationship based on trust.
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