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Pilar Flor Pérez
Montserrat Antonin Martin
As society advances towards a globalised world, interculturality increases as a result of the progressive rise in immigration, which means healthcare resources must be adapted to cater for this demographic diversity. These population changes represent a new challenge for healthcare professionals, who face the new realities of an increasingly culturally diverse healthcare sector on a daily basis. Within the context of this new multicultural environment, intercultural mediation has become a key resource, which in turn presents certain issues of a particularly complex nature, and these become accentuated when examining intercultural mediation in healthcare. Intercultural mediation should be viewed as a profession, and by extension, the intercultural mediator should be considered a professional, regardless of the context and environment where his or her job is performed. In Spain, numerous initiatives have been undertaken in order to establish a code of ethics for intercultural mediators. However, these are ethical standards that aim to define a code of general principles for mediation, regardless of the sphere of the mediation. Therefore, it is vitally important that intercultural mediators in healthcare have a set of values of ethical standards that regulate their actions and professional activity in this field. We are hereby putting forward a code of ethics for professionals in Intercultural Mediation in healthcare, with the aim of highlighting the professional importance and responsibility of this role in relation to society in the specific context of intervention.
Paraules clau
Interculturality, Intercultural Mediation, Healthcare, Code of Ethics

Article Details

Com citar
Flor Pérez, Pilar; and Antonin Martin, Montserrat. “PROPOSAL FOR A CODE OF ETHICS FOR INTERCULTURAL MEDIATORS IN HEALTHCARE”. Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics, vol.VOL 1, no. 5, pp. 179-03,
Biografies de l'autor/a

Pilar Flor Pérez, Gimbernat University School of Nursing

Head of Studies at the Gimbernat University School of Nursing. She also coordinates all postgraduate level Practicums, and tutors Practicums in the areas of Primary Healthcare, Social Health and Mental Health.

Montserrat Antonin Martin, Gimbernat University School of Nursing

Dean of the Gimbernat University School of Nursing and educational coordinator of the Official Master’s Degree in Health Information and Knowledge Management.
She is also a lecturer for the postgraduate course Culture, Society and Health.