About the age of the basal conglomerates of the Senonian transgression in the proximal part of the South Pyrenean Basin (Catalonia, Spain)

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J. Ullastre
A. Masriera
In the South Pyrenean marginal ranges (Sierras marginales) of Catalonia, at the base of the Senonian transgression, there is a formation of quartz sands and gravels (cf Adraén facies) of controversial age, especially in the outcrops corresponding at the proximal paleogeographic zone.
The chronostratigraphic discussions concerning 14 localities are exposed. The age of these facies in a new locality is analysed. The hypothesis that the Adraén facies is a diachronic formation from NW to SE is confirmed. Its age goes from Upper Santonian to Lower Maastrichtian times.

Key words: Upper Cretaceous, Stratigraphy, Paleogeography, South Pyrenean Ranges, Catalonia, Spain.

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How to Cite
Ullastre, J.; and Masriera, A. “About the age of the basal conglomerates of the Senonian transgression in the proximal part of the South Pyrenean Basin (Catalonia, Spain)”. Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona, vol.VOL 12, pp. 175-8, https://raco.cat/index.php/TreballsMGB/article/view/72455.

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