Towards testing post-editing performance: a futureproof diagnostic tool

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Gys van Egdom
Luca Nunes Vieira
Jakub Absolon

In the present article, we provide an outline of a diagnostic tool for testing post-editing performance. The tool is hoped to facilitate the identification of suitable translators/translation students for post-editing projects by flagging knowledge, skills or attitudes relevant to post-editing that is/are found to be lacking in candidates' post-editing behaviour.

Post-editing, Post-editing Performance, Post-editing Efficacy, Post-editing Competence, Post-editing Test

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How to Cite
Egdom, Gys van et al. “Towards testing post-editing performance: a futureproof diagnostic tool”. Tradumàtica: traducció i tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació, no. 16, pp. 114-2,