Orientaciones para el diseño de planes de formación del profesorado de las escuelas rurales de Catalunya

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Roser Boix i Tomàs
Francesc Buscà Donet

Rural schools have a key function in involving the school community in their area and, at the same time, enhancing their visibility and strengthening their presence in the village they are located in. Teachers of rural schools need specific training to achieve all the skills and knowledge they need. This paper presents the main guidelines for designing this specific teacher training plan according the results obtained in the FOPROMAR-Erasmus plus project (2017-1-ES01-KA201-038217). We present the results obtained from the Questionnaire on the Teaching Skills of Rural School Teachers (CC-PER) answered by teachers who work in a rural schools in Catalonia (n=276). The main results are: 1) All teacher training plans should include skills and knowledge related to the territorial dimension; 2) these skills and knowledge should be selected based on the rural school teachers’ own opinions. The main conclusion is that the territorial dimension should be a key part of any specific teacher training plan.

Palabras clave
Formación del profesorado, formación inicial, formación permanente, escuela rural, dimensión territorial

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Cómo citar
Boix i Tomàs, Roser; y Buscà Donet, Francesc. «Orientaciones para el diseño de planes de formación del profesorado de las escuelas rurales de Catalunya». Temps d’Educació, n.º 59, pp. 11-26, https://raco.cat/index.php/TempsEducacio/article/view/379374.