20/40/60. An iconotextual reflection on photography as art and science

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Antoni Bover

The 1920s symbolize a time of optimism, looking confidently towards the future. The 1940s are the stage of maturity, with the consolidation of the dreams imagined since the 1920s. The 1960s signify the stage of reflection, with the critical analysis of the impressions that the stage of maturity has left and the memory of the dreams of the 1920s that still continue. 20/40/60 are not exact stages: they depend on the attitudes and learning abilities of each person. This article is a subjective critical analysis from the perspective of image management and visual communication, and describes how these concepts have changed exponentially and rapidly over the past 40 years. Critical analysis and self-learning abilities, together with the predisposition to adapt to change, allow us to enjoy the professional and teaching stages, and are valid skills for approaching the work and post-work stages as well.

Art and science, visual comunication, photography, image management, technological disruption

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How to Cite
Bover, Antoni. “20/40/60. An iconotextual reflection on photography as art and science”. Temps d’Educació, no. 61, pp. 215-42, https://raco.cat/index.php/TempsEducacio/article/view/400669.