Precariats in the recession: challenges and opportunities
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Míriam Arenas Conejo
The economic, political and social crisis that unfolded in the wake of the 2008 financial crash has worsened the processes of instability that emerged in Europe in recent decades. Increasing precariousness has boosted the popularity of the concept of precariat. This concept was initially used in analyses of changes in the labour market, but has gradually become a framework of reference that brings together the political struggles of various groups. This paper analyses the situation of people with precarious jobs in comparison to that of other social groups: people who do not live directly from their work (because they receive social benefits) or those who carry out unpaid work (such as housework or care). The aim is to reflect on the challenges and opportunities of precariat as a potential political subject focused on social change and based on the wide range of experiences of precariousness.
precariat, recession, work, social work, care
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Arenas Conejo, Míriam. “Precariats in the recession: challenges and opportunities”. Temps d’Educació, no. 47, pp. 49-68,