Resilience, immigration and school success

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Ma. Paz Sandín Esteban
From the perspective of resilience, the aim of the research project presented here was to examine and describe how students from other countries face a stage of education in which there is a high risk of dropping out. This stage is compulsory secondary education (ESO), particularly the second cycle, and the transition to post-compulsory education (PO). One goal of the project was to analyse and assess the resilience mechanisms employed by immigrant students that could bring about the conversion of processes that are a priori classified as problematic or difficult for these groups, because of their situation of greater vulnerability, into a safety net that could support successful school careers. The working hypothesis is that students from other countries whose school careers can be considered successful, as they make the risky transition from ESO to PO and remain in education until the final years, could have some specific characteristics of resilience.
resilience, school success, immigrant students, academic transition, compulsory secondary education, post-compulsory secondary education, academic vulnerability

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How to Cite
Sandín Esteban, Ma. Paz. “Resilience, immigration and school success”. Temps d’Educació, no. 46, pp. 11-31,