The university and something we call university

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Francisco Esteban Bara
It seems that Postmodernism is reasonably clear about what kind of university we need. Regardless of the specific nature of each place, the ideal is that of a university which is useful, effective and efficient, and which drives economic and social change. Without going any further, the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is a proposal which reflects this approach. However, it seems to have overlooked the true nature of the university, which underlies the institution. The concept of the university does not sit comfortably with certain contemporary demands and pressures, and has to speak out to explain to the community what it is for. This work looks into the tensions which affect the university on a daily basis, and indicates some of the pitfalls that await. Depending on our point of view, we may feel that we are calling something a university which is really something else
universitat, formació universitària, cerca de la veritat, vida universitària, postmodernitat, university, university training, close to the truth, university life, postmodernity

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How to Cite
Esteban Bara, Francisco. “The university and something we call university”. Temps d’Educació, no. 41, pp. 279-93,