La qualitat de l'educació en el Projecte per a la Reforma de l'Ensenyament

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Sebastián Rodríguez Espinar
Defining the profile and quality of the "outpur of institutions is one of the main goals of any educational reform project. However, the difficulty posed by such an objective makes the issue of the quality of education, in spite of its political attractiveness, an object of imprecision as a result of the lack of singlemindedness regarding it and the political attempt to evade an ideological commitment. This article looks at different conceptualizations of the quality of education and defends the need to state clearIy and delimit the concept
of educational output. Then it examines the quality indicators contained in the Educational Reform Project in the light of the general goals for each educational stage. Out of this analysis comes an imprecise, mutilated conception of the quality of

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Espinar, Sebastián. “La qualitat de l’educació en el Projecte per a la Reforma de l’Ensenyament”. Temps d’Educació, no. 1, pp. 131-9,