Inserció laboral i empleabilitat en el marc de l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior: el ca s de la facultat de pedagogia de la Universitat de Barcelona
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Javier Ventura Blanco
Francesc Martínez Olmo
In the context of increasing European unity, this work adopts a conceptual approach to employability and entering the workplace, with a view to achieving a clear differentiation and definition of terminology. It explores the findings of a study involving graduates in Pedagogy from the University of Barcelona in 2001-02 and 2002-03, and includes details on the design of the study, as well as on the analysis and interpretation of its most noteworthy results. Sociodemographic background, academic career, experience of work prior to or during teacher training studies, experience of work following completion of teacher training, teaching practice (employability and entering the workplace, organizational models and evaluation), and further training following completion of the course are all considered.
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How to Cite
Ventura Blanco, Javier; and Martínez Olmo, Francesc. “Inserció laboral i empleabilitat en el marc de l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior: el ca s de la facultat de pedagogia de la Universitat de Barcelona”. Temps d’Educació, no. 32, pp. 99-118,
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