El paisatge : patrimoni en mutació i recurs didàctic formatiu en l'àmbit europeu
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Jaume Busquets i Fàbregas
In the last decades we are witness to a slow but important social reconceptualization of the idea of heritage. From a notion linked with the ideas of «past» and «preservation» we have moved towards a more dynamic and functional approach, more linked to the present and the idea of use. As a resource which is nowadays threatened by fast and intense economic transformations, landscape has recently acquired a new dimension as part of our heritage. This is acknowledged in the European Landscape Convention, which was signed in Florence in October 2000, and whose main goals are the protection and management of landscape before the changes that are being produced in the European territory. This Convention expresses also the need to promote the teaching of landscape-related topics in the various educative levels. This paper deals with the content of the Convention and its implications for a didactics of landscape, presenting as well some of the results of the research on the didactics of landscape that is being carried out by the author within the Department of Didactics of Social Sciences of the Universitat de Barcelona.
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How to Cite
Busquets i Fàbregas, Jaume. “El paisatge : patrimoni en mutació i recurs didàctic formatiu en l’àmbit europeu”. Temps d’Educació, no. 26, pp. 45-52, https://raco.cat/index.php/TempsEducacio/article/view/126333.