Sobre la vigència de la sociolingüística del conflicte i la noció de normalitat lingüística

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F. Xavier Vila i Moreno
This article addresses two questions raised in the context of the historical review of Catalan sociolinguistics: to what extent is the approach known as conflict sociolinguistics still valid? How should linguistic normality be defined for a language such as Catalan? After a brief review of the presence of the notion of conflict in Catalan and international sociolinguistics, it is argued that many of the basic assumptions of that approach are still valid, especially if limited to the type of societies for which they were developed. As for the idea of linguistic normality, it is argued that some forms of weaker normality that had been postulated years ago probably would not guarantee linguistic stability in times of demographic change, presenting some ideas for linguistic policies aimed to achieve the normalization of Catalan.

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How to Cite
Vila i Moreno, F. Xavier. “Sobre la vigència de la <i>sociolingüística del conflicte</i> i la noció de <i>normalitat lingüística</i>”;. Treballs de sociolingüística catalana, vol.VOL 26, pp. 199-17,

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