L'Avaluació de la implantació de la normativa: la perspectiva sociolingüística i glotopolítica

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F. Xavier Vila i Moreno
This article seeks to be a contribution to the development of the theory and the methodology for the study of the implantation of regulated language change, on the basis of the experience obtained through various studies of terminology implantation. It aims at clarifying the conceptual contributions that sociolinguistics can make to the field of implantation, and presents a script for research on the implantation of terminology.

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How to Cite
Vila i Moreno, F. Xavier. “L’Avaluació de la implantació de la normativa: la perspectiva sociolingüística i glotopolítica”. Treballs de sociolingüística catalana, vol.VOL 25, pp. 129-40, https://raco.cat/index.php/TSC/article/view/342898.

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