"L'adhesió a la meva persona t'ha salvat"

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Josep Rius-Camps
Paying close attention to the appearance in the Synoptics, in seven differentsituations, of the saying of Jesus: ‘Your faith has made you well’, I came to theconclusion that in each of these passages, as well as in their respective parallels,it was always a question of Jews or Samaritans who had once been disciples ofJesus but who, for diverse reasons, had drawn away from him and as a result hadended up blind, or paralysed, or with leprosy, or else had been labelled as legallyimpure by the Jews or Samaritans. This led me to go on to consider two furtherpassages in which the protagonists are Gentile women, one a Greek of Syro-Phoenicianorigin, and the other a Canaanite, who would have also been disciples ofJesus and who, taking advantage of his travels to foreign regions, each beggedhim to drive out the demon from her daughter who was severely demonized.Finally, I examined all the passages in which anonymous companions, who aretrue disciples of Jesus, bring to him all kinds of sick and demonised people, orelse present to him servants of the lower order whom the disciples, full of ambitiouspower, had rejected.

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Com citar
Rius-Camps, Josep. “‘L’adhesió a la meva persona t’ha salvat’”. Scripta Biblica, vol.VOL 17, no. 17, pp. 163-8, https://raco.cat/index.php/ScriptaBiblica/article/view/348802.