Les diverses comunitats postpasquals de creients en la Demostració a Teòfil de Lluc

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Josep Rius-Camps
Contrary to the popular image of the early Church that is attributed to the Book ofActs, the Church that came into being on the day of Pentecost, a careful reading ofLuke’s work reveals that his intention was to show Theophilus, his addressee, thevariety of churches or communities that evolved from that initial experience. Thisarticle examines the characteristics of some of them. Alongside the official Church,there existed from the beginning the Greek-speaking church of Hierosoluma, presidedover by Mary the mother of John (the evangelist Mark) and served by Rhoda.The church in Samaria was founded by a Hellenist, Philip, and consolidated byPeter and John. The first church that was called ‘Christian’ emerged in Antioch,the capital of Syria, and was led by a group of five prophets and teachers, amongwhom were Barnabas and Saul. Among the churches founded during their missionto the Gentiles, the one that stands out is that of Antioch of Pisidia, Luke’s hometown. Of the churches founded during the period of Paul’s collaboration with Silas,the church of Caesarea, also under the leadership of Philip, is particularly worthyof note. Curiously, the church of Rome is mentioned by Luke only in passing, forPaul’s definitive conversion takes place during a private meeting with the Jewishleaders of the city.

Paraules clau:

Llibre d’Actes, església oficial, missió als gentils, Pau, Jerusalem/ Jerosòlima.

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Com citar
Rius-Camps, Josep. “Les diverses comunitats postpasquals de creients en la Demostració a Teòfil de Lluc”. Scripta Biblica, vol.VOL 16, no. 16, pp. 125-44, https://raco.cat/index.php/ScriptaBiblica/article/view/348783.