Internalizing negative externalities in vehicle routing problems through green taxes and green tolls
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Serrano-Hernández, Adrián; and Faulìn, Javier. “Internalizing negative externalities in vehicle routing problems through green taxes and green tolls”. SORT- Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, vol.VOL 43, no. 1, pp. 75-94,


Road freight transportation includes various internal and external costs that need to be accounted for in the construction of efficient routing plans. Typically, the resulting optimization problem is formulated as a vehicle routing problem in any of its variants. While the traditional focus of the vehicle routing problem was the minimization of internal routing costs such as travel distance or duration, numerous approaches to include external factors related to environmental routing aspects have been recently discussed in the literature. However, internal and external routing costs are often treated as competing objectives. This paper discusses the internalization of external routing costs through the consideration of green taxes and green tolls. Numeric experiments with a biased-randomization savings algorithm, show benefits of combining internal and external costs in delivery route planning.
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