Una stele inconsueta di soldato da Calcedonia: immagine e testo

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Cecilia Ricci
Not a few of East greek funerary steles of the Pfuhl-Möbius Catalogue concern Roman soldiers. Their presence in this area is linked to logistics movements or tasks carried out at stationes.
Here attention is devoted to a stele found at Chalcedon (AE 1934, 125) which differs from the others by several characteristics. The reason for choosing this monument to discuss the relationship between text and image is that it constitutes a clear example of the fundamental interaction between the two languages, although concerning studies show how is widespread the tendency to analyze them separately.
Roman soldiers, East Greek stele, imperial age

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How to Cite
Ricci, Cecilia. “Una stele inconsueta di soldato da Calcedonia: immagine e testo”. Sylloge epigraphica Barcinonensis: SEBarc, no. 11, pp. 63-71, https://raco.cat/index.php/SEBarc/article/view/268514.