L'ensenyament i l'aprenentatge de les ciències socials avui: un enfocament disciplinari o a partir de problemes?
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Roser Canals i Cabau
The need to respond to a competence-based education for the training of critical citizens committed to the society of their time implies a rethinking of the didactic approach of the social sciences. Incorporating the study of social problems in the classroom can be a good strategy for leading students to understand that what they learn in school is useful to comprehend the world they live in and to make informed decisions.
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How to Cite
Canals i Cabau, Roser. “L’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge de les ciències socials avui: un enfocament disciplinari o a partir de problemes?”. Revista Catalana de Pedagogia, vol.VOL 13, pp. 63-87, https://raco.cat/index.php/RevistaPedagogia/article/view/338015.
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