U-Learning. El futuro está aquí, by Eva Fernández Gómez (coord.) (2009)
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Sonia Medina Salgado
In today's technological context, the number of ways to access information and knowledge is growing exponentially, allowing us to learn anywhere, anytime. This has substantially changed the higher education and business training scene, and has given rise to "u-learning" or ubiquitous learning. This work provides an insight into the application of this new approach and comprehensively covers the objective set out in it: that of contributing to our understanding of u-learning by describing the concepts, keys and practical experiences associated with the phenomenon in order to facilitate analysis and reflection.
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How to Cite
Medina Salgado, Sonia. “U-Learning. El futuro está aquí, by Eva Fernández Gómez (coord.) (2009)”. RUSC, Universities & Knowledge Society, vol.VOL 7, no. 2, https://raco.cat/index.php/RUSC/article/view/225723.