Legislative reports on Catalonia. Second half on 2022. “A period characterized by the first judicial and political derivatives of the new legal framework on the use and learning of official languages in non-university education”
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The Legislative Chronicle of the second semester of 2022 echoes, as is usual, the rules that affect the uses, rights and legal regime of the Catalan and Aranese languages during this period. It is, in any case, a small number of provisions related to the activity of promoting linguistic standardization or to the personnel selection processes in which linguistic requirements have an impact. Much more relevant, however, is the analysis of the consequences derived from the new educational linguistic framework, specifically the position adopted by the TSJC, the return of the issue to the Constitutional Court and the intergovernmental agreement adopted on this particular within the framework of the so-called table of the Generalitat-State dialogue.
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Joan Ridao Martín
Professor agregat permanent de Dret Constitucional al Departament de Ciència Política, Dret Constitucional i Filosofia del Dret de la Facultat de Dret a la Universitat de Barcelona. Membre de la Comissió Jurídica Assessora i director de l'Institut d'Estudis de l'Autogovern.
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