Filling Schools: a Service-Learning experience in southern Morocco

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C. Belenguer
V. Berciano

A group of children and young people boarding at the Casa-Escuela Santiago Uno (a type of orphanage/Pious School) and students from different levels and areas of professional training, travelled to the South of Morocco to implement a development cooperation project entitled “Llenando Escuelas” (“Filling Schools”). The main aim was to empower the local population in educational and professional terms and basic services, paying special attention to the most disadvantaged population groups: women, children and young people. They used theoretical and practical knowledge they had acquired in the previous academic year: catering, manufacturing, gardening, welding, first aid, social integration, sociocultural animation, sports and circus activities. For two months they lived together in a school with their educators and together with local residents they helped refurbish the school, in addition to carrying out training, organizing leisure and free time activities and setting up and supplying a medical clinic. This was a service-learning experience in which an enriching socio-cultural exchange took place.

development cooperation, youth, social exclusion, professional training

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How to Cite
Belenguer, C.; and Berciano, V. “Filling Schools: a Service-Learning experience in southern Morocco”. RIDAS. Revista Iberoamericana de Aprendizaje Servicio, no. 8, pp. 195-0,