El nen intern en la sessió analítica

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Antonio Pérez-Sánchez

The personality is seen as composed of a set of infantile aspects in continuous interaction with the adults. The theoretical assumptions are mainly based on D. Meltzer and H. Rosenfeld. From the former, we take his idea of the infantile self organised as structures, of which several are distinguished here: the regressive, the progressive, the omnipotent and the infantile-adult. From the second author, we take his idea of the organisation of the internal world as a mafia-like gang, led by an omnipotent self that attracts and subjugates the other infantile aspects, in complicity with the adults, under the promise of a reality free of psychic pain. The description of several moments of the analytic process and of a detailed session illustrate the movement of the infantile structures from one omnipotent position to another, which gives way to the establishment of a healthy and therapeutic interaction of dependence with the analyst.

inner child, infantile structures, infantile omnipotence, analytical session

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How to Cite
Pérez-Sánchez, Antonio. “El nen intern en la sessió analítica”. Revista Catalana de Psicoanàlisi, vol.VOL 39, no. 2, pp. 9-22, doi:10.34810/rcpv39n2id412805.
Author Biography

Antonio Pérez-Sánchez

Psiquiatre i psicoanalista amb funcions didàctiques i supervisor de la SEP-IPA. Coordinador del Grup d’Estudis Portuguès de Psicoanàlisi (IPA). Coordinador per a Europa del Diccionari Enciclopèdic Interregional de l’IPA.