Traducción y metáfora : Estudio de metáforas cognitivas del Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos
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Laura Vegara Fabregat
Universidad de Murcia. Facultad de Letras
In this work we will delve into several aspects related to the translation of metaphor within the legal area. Our focus will be on the cognitive side since metaphor in the mentioned professional context, as in many others, is not only a linguistic ornament but an essential tool for the transmission of knowledge (Lakoff and Johnson 1980: 3; Dickerson 1996: 374), more specifically, legal knowledge. Thus, we will analyse a number of strategies of the English-Spanish translation process, which have been applied to metaphors found in some U.S. Supreme Court opinions. Our final goal is to shed some light on the field of metaphor for legal translators and also regarding the translation of metaphor in general.
Paraules clau
legal translation, legal metaphor, cognitive linguistics, U.S. Supreme Court
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Com citar
Vegara Fabregat, Laura. “Traducción y metáfora : Estudio de metáforas cognitivas del Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos”. Quaderns: revista de traducció, no. 22, pp. 325-46,