A little chapter about Catalan reception of Montale: speaking of some dispersed translations

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Gabriella Gavagnin

The paper considers some Catalan translations of Montale that were printed shortly after the poet's journey to Barcelona in 1954 and which have so far been neglected in the critical literature on Montale's fortune in Spain. One of them, together with others of Ungaretti and Quasimodo, formed part of the triptych Tres poetes italians that Tomàs Garcés wrote for a miscellany in honour to the poet and critic Carles Riba. The others were included in the Italian section of an anthology of lyric versions compiled by Sebastià Sánchez-Juan. The article analyzes the times and circumstances under which the two initiatives matured, highlighting similarities and divergences between these two translation experiences.

Eugenio Montale, Tomàs Garcés, Sebastià Sánchez-Juan, translations, italian poetry

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How to Cite
Gavagnin, Gabriella. “A little chapter about Catalan reception of Montale: speaking of some dispersed translations”. Quaderns d’Italià, no. 22, pp. 273-84, https://raco.cat/index.php/QuadernsItalia/article/view/331586.

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