Volponi’s experimentalism within the Italian narrative context: some ideas

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Piero Dal Bon
Piero Dal Bon

This essay investigates in detail the relations between Paolo Volponi’s first three novels —Memoriale, La Macchina Mondiale, and Corporale— with contemporary prose writers Parise, Bianciardi, and Ottieri. Here the investigative approach is similar to that conducted by Emanuele Zinato of Volponi’s work with other prose writers. This essay focuses on the similarities of structure and style of Roversi’s and Malerba writings. In conclusion the essay highlights the remarkable key differences of the contemporary prose writes with
Italo Calvino’s work.

Volponi, Pasolini, Roversi, Malerba, Calvino

Article Details

How to Cite
Bon, Piero Dal; and Dal Bon, Piero. “Volponi’s experimentalism within the Italian narrative context: some ideas”. Quaderns d’Italià, no. 22, pp. 143-52, https://raco.cat/index.php/QuadernsItalia/article/view/331558.
Author Biography

Piero Dal Bon, Language lab. Auroville

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